set them free

Release fish to the river 31rd May

Thank you very much N, J and E for bringing fish from market to the river. Thank you for taking your time out to create the kind cause which may lead to thousands. Deeply appreciate by just watching how you do. 本周放生时间:23年5月31日15时50分地点:长沙市岳麓区靳江河畔参与人员:N,J,E放生物种及数量:2.044斤泥鳅- 21.8元/斤,11.4斤土鲫鱼-11.8元/斤,4.4斤鲫鱼-7.98元/斤,18.48斤鲫鱼-10元/斤花费金额:44.55+35.11+134.52+184=398.18

Release fish to the river 24th May

Thanks very much to N, J and E for bringing fish from market to the river. You shine the every step that you have walked with your love and kindness. Thanks to everyone for supporting this project. Good luck to all the fish and every life form on this planet. 本周放生时间:23年5月24日16时5分地点:长沙市岳麓区靳江河畔参与人员:N,J,E放生物种及数量:4.3斤泥鳅- 19.8元/斤,2.84斤土鲫鱼-11.8元/斤,21斤鲫鱼-7.98元/斤花费金额:85.14+33.51+167.58=286.23

Release fish to river 19th May

Thank you N, J, and E for organising and taking fish from market to the river. We appreciate your kindness not only the blessing you give to the fish but also environment. That’s a very good teaching for us as well. Thank you! 本周放生时间:23年5月19日15时03分地点:长沙市岳麓区靳江河畔参与人员:N,J,E放生物种及数量:5.82斤泥鳅- 20元/斤,5.74斤土鲫鱼-14元/斤,12.42斤鲫鱼-10元/斤花费金额:116+80+124=320

Release fish to river

After storm and heavy rain, we are back to the releasing project. 本周放生时间:23年5月12日14时43分地点:长沙市岳麓区靳江河畔参与人员:N,J,and E放生物种及数量:4.2斤泥鳅- 19元/斤,22.6斤土鲫鱼-11元/斤花费金额:248.6+79.8=328.4 Thank you so much N, J and E and all others for supporting this project. Thank you all for using the green transport to bring fish from market back to the fresh water in the river with great care – …

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23rd April release loaches and fish to the river

Thank you N and J and all others for supporting and bringing fish and loaches to the river from market. Your kind actions sow the seed of compassion to the world.本周放生时间:23年4月13日11时03分地点:长沙市岳麓区靳江河畔参与人员:N,J放生物种及数量:2.375斤泥鳅- 18.8元/斤,4.93斤土鲫鱼-12.8元/斤,11.65斤鲫鱼-8.8元/斤,8.1斤泥鳅-20元/斤花费金额:259.4+162=421.4

Fish and loaches release 7th April

Thank you N, J, and E for finding time to do the Good deed every week and all others to support this event. This is first release in April. 本周放生时间:23年4月7日15时23分地点:长沙市岳麓区靳江河畔放生物种及数量:4.048斤泥鳅- 18.8元/斤,13.59斤土鲫鱼-11.8元/斤,8.736斤鲫鱼-7.8元/斤,3.112斤金泥鳅-21.8元/斤花费金额:296.34+76.10=372.44

Release fish and loaches to the river 27th March

Thank you N, J and E for bringing these little creatures from the market to the river where they can truly enjoy their life experiences. Thank you all for supporting this event. It is so touching to watch the two fish gently swimming away at the end. 本周放生时间:23年3月27日16时13分地点:长沙市岳麓区靳江河畔放生物种及数量:10.84斤泥鳅,10.6斤鲫鱼,花费金额:247=3.2斤泥鳅*18/斤+17.3斤鲫鱼11/斤

Release fish and loaches to the river 23rd March

Thank you N, J and E for taking all these little creatures from the market to the river. You chose a very green but not easy way to transport them. Appreciate. Thanks all for supporting this project. 本周放生时间:23年3月23日15时45分地点:长沙市岳麓区靳江河畔参与人员:N,J,E放生物种及数量:10.84斤泥鳅,10.6斤鲫鱼,花费金额:353=10.84斤泥鳅*20/斤+10.6斤土鲫鱼13/斤

Release fish and loaches to river 15th March

Thank you N, J and E for bringing fish and loaches from the market to the river by using the very green transport and also keeping little creatures in a nice condition before they get back to nature. Thank you all other for supporting this project. 本周放生时间:23年3月15日15时12分地点:长沙市岳麓区靳江河畔参与人员:N,J,E放生物种及数量:2.42斤泥鳅,4.95斤土鲫鱼,12.5斤黄颡鱼(黄鸭叫)花费金额:348.5=2.42斤泥鳅18.8/斤+4.95斤土鲫鱼12.8/斤+12.5斤黄颡鱼16.8/斤+两个水桶29.6

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